Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pre-Meditated Sucide!

This one's for the ladies. Don't you hate that time of the month when the monster from within emerges from the depth of your soul and tries to ruin your life? I do. Your days are filled with everyone in the whole world being out to get you, snot filled kleenex's, and that irritating attitude that no matter how happy people try to make you.. it just won't go away!! Well, let me tell you... this week had definitely been one of those weeks. Let me just start off by venting about the pointlessness of PMS. Why do we have to have all of these raging hormones surge through our bodies to the max once a month?!?! Why can't we just act normal? Guys never have to act crazy and irrational once a month, well no more than they usually are at least. No jokes are made at their expense while they are bedridden with a heating pad. Guys have it unfairly easy. All they are expected to do is stand there and mumble about sports, girls, and who's fart was louder. Idiots. If only men knew what it was like, they wouldn't be so judgmental. How about we stick them full of blood and let them bleed it out while their insides are contracting them to the point of throwing up! Let's see how happy they are! Grrr.
This past week I'm fairly sure that I have had more teary eyes,"everyone hates me" moments, and "my life is over" thoughts than I ever had before! Earlier today, I found out I didn't pass my cleaning check for my apartment. And of course me being the rational person I am at this particular time, was furious. My initial thought, "They just hate me because I didn't wave back to her when she walked passed me the other day so she failed me! Jerk." Two days ago, I got a bad grade while a neighboring student got an A and again I thought, "Oh my gosh! Did you just see that! I Swear they just tilted that paper in my direction! They're just rubbing it in! Grr." I could literally feel my temperature rising. This week has been full of ups and downs, sideways, backwards, squareways, sadways, grumpyways, frustratedways. All of the ways you could ever make up in your imagination... I have been there. I was tempted multiple times to find the tallest place a jump off of it just to end my misery! This week I was not having Pre menstrual syndrome, I have had a terrible case of Pre-meditated suicide! ah!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Perfect hair.

So something stupid has been bothering me a lot lately. Hair. I've recently realized that hair is a pointless accessory to the body. Don't get me wrong I would never want to shave my head or anything, but I find that some people make such a big deal about some change. That has just been so weird to me because to me it's just hair. I mean, it's gonna grow back, it'll go back to it's natural color... it's gonna be fine if you have a bad haircut that you don't like. Hair is not proclaiming your status of life, it's not telling the world what kind of person you are, it's simply sitting on your head because for some strange reason we were made with it there. (Which if you think about it, is kind of strange.) I guess I used to be the same way, I used to want my hair to look perfect and I wanted to look perfect but it doesn't really bother me anymore. I mean seriously, personal hygiene is of course vital, but stressing because your hairs a different color or length? I've suddenly come to the awesome realization that hair doesn't make the person. That looks really don't matter THAT much. Because if someone is going to love you, they're going to love you for the person you are. Not for what color your hair is. As i said before, personal hygiene is vital and so is making yourself look decent, but don't stress if your not perfect. I mean come on. In high school that's all I worried about, was looking perfect. But that's just it, we aren't in high school anymore. It's just hair! I don't care if it's board straight, curly, short, long, brown, pink, or blue- i'm still going to love the people who are important to me and I expect the same from them. Hair has become yet one more accessory to the fake facade that so many people put on so the world doesn't see them. The real them. Well what's wrong with them that they want to hide? Show the world that your proud of who you are and your not afraid to be you. It's about time someone does.